Saint Lucia IBC benefits:
Among the benefits that are specifically enjoyed are the following:
- Saint Lucia registry network is state of the art and allows name search, name reservation for an IBC, incorporation of an IBC, choice of your Overseas Agent or Local Registered Agent option to pick a St. Lucian Director
- It has a policy of total confidentiality regarding names of the directors and shareholders
- It has a very well regulated structure to assure cleanliness and deter money laundering and other illicit activities
- IBCs may elect to be exempt from income tax or to be liable to income tax on profits and gains at 1%. Also IBCs are not subject to stamp duties, withholding tax and capital gains tax.
- No audit or annual filing required unless IBC elects to pay tax. The government fee is the only annual requirement
- Saint Lucia has great flexibility and control of the operations of the IBC.
- Low annual fees
- The directors can be from any nationality and the meetings can be held anywhere around the world.
- They allow using nominees shareholders and directors
- They allow shares with or without par value
- Makes provision for tax concessions for any specially qualified person working for the IBC in St. Lucia
- The IBC is not subject to exchange control
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