Seychelles IBC benefits:
Among the benefits that are specifically enjoyed are the following:
- Seychelles IBCs are not subject to tax on income or profits
- 20 year tax exempt starting the day of its incorporation.
- They also exempt from stamp duties on transfer of property and any exchange controls.
- IBCs in Seychelles may have bank accounts and deposits
- IBCs in Seychelles can lease properties within the territory as office, as well as keep books and records.
- They can hold shareholders and directors meetings within Seychelles.
- They can also own vessels and/or aircraft registered in Seychelles.
- Directors and shareholders are not in the public record, and this information is completely confidential.
- Since Seychelles is an independent country it does not have to share or report information to any overseas principal or organization.
- Seychelles is not subject to EU Savings Tax Directive, unlike some of the offshore tax havens related to the EU member states.
- It only requires one shareholder and one directors, which can be natural person or a corporation.
- IBCs in Seychelles can have bearer shares.
- They do not require to prepare or file accounts.
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