Application for corporate bank accounts
How to open offshore corporate bank account
If you wish to go ahead with the opening of corporate offshore bank account you have to meet certain due diligence the bank require. Different banks have different requirements to open corporate bank account. In general banks are requesting some of the following documents
- A character reference addressed to the required bank from another bank and/or lawyer, accountant, introducer. The reference should state that the person has been known to the referee for a period and is considered trustworthy, respectable and suitable for operating a bank account (Do you want more info about what is bank reference and professional reference and how to get it?)
- Notarized passport copies
- Original telephone or utility bills evidencing residential address
- An initial deposit, to fund the new bank account, commensurate with bank
- Notarized copies of all company documents.
To start the process please fill this form and send it to our email (download here)
Banks will usually require the following documents for all persons connected with the company:
- Notarized copies of operative pages of passport
- Current bank reference Ideally the reference should reflect a satisfactory relationship (download sample) (Do you want more info about what is bank reference and how to get it?)
- Address confirmation by copy of recent utility bill or recent bank statement or major credit card bill (2 different documents)
- Reference from a lawyer or accountant or some other professional person (download sample) (Do you want more info about what is professional reference and how to get it?)
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