Ireland country facts
Type of Company Private Limited
Type of Law Common
Shelf company availability Yes
Our time to establish a new company 10 days
Migration of Domicile Permitted No
Corporate Taxation 12.5% on profits
Double Taxation Treaty Access Yes
Language of Name Latin Alphabet
Corporate requirements
Minimum Number of Shareholders / Members one
Minimum Number of Directors / Managers two
Corporate Directors / Managers Permitted no
Company Secretary Required yes
Usual Authorised Capital €100,000
Minimum paid up €1
Local requirements
Registered Office/Agent yes
Company secretary no
Local directors One should be resident the European Economic Area (EEA)
Local meetings no
Government register of directors/Managers yes
Government Register of Shareholders / Members yes
Requirements to prepare Yes
Audit requirements Yes, but small company exemption
Requirements to file accounts Yes
Publicly accessible accounts Yes
Annual requirements
Annual return yes

If you have questions about different type of entities in Ireland, do not hesitate to contact us.