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In 1998, the Netherlands Antilles introduced a new, separate legal entity under private law called the Private Foundation (StichtingParticulierFonds or SPF in Dutch). The Private Foundation is a more flexible and specific form of the common, legal entity foundation used for charitable purposes. The private foundation is actually a civil law equivalent to the Anglo-American trust and can act as a holding or investment company. The private foundation is the best alternative for private individuals wishing to protect their assets and estates from future creditors, bankruptcies and excessive taxes, as well as to make provisions for their families. Different from the common foundation, the private foundation is allowed to make distributions to its beneficiaries or to third persons designated by the founder. These distributions have to be of a charitable nature. The private foundation has no shareholders, share capital or members. The founder controls and supervises the activities of the board of directors which manages daily matters. The assets and liabilities of the private foundation are kept in its own name. The beneficiary, founder or members of the board of directors have no personal liability for debts or liabilities of the private foundation
Family provisions.The private foundation is an ideal tool to make family provisions ensuring the control over your assets. By protecting assets against economic risks you can safeguard the future of your children and other family members.
Asset management/investment activities The private foundation can invest its assets following the wish of the beneficiary, without any restrictions to the type of investment.
Examples of these assets include: