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Hemos notado que hay una estafa en Internet utilizando el nombre de nuestra empresa.
Esto no tiene relación con nuestra empresa de ninguna manera.
No cree que ha ganado un premio en un sorteo en el que nunca participó. Siempre ser sospechoso si se le pide que pague dinero por adelantado a fin de obtener un premio! Si parece demasiado bueno para ser cierto - probablemente lo es!
Tenga en cuenta que sus datos de identidad puedan ser utilizados por los delincuentes para cometer delitos en su nombre, para obtener acceso a sus cuentas bancarias, o para abrir líneas de crédito a su nombre.
Dear Sir/Madam,
After a successful completion of the Third Category main Lotto Superdraw of the UK NATIONAL ONLINE LOTTERY held on Wednesday 11th May 2005, we are pleased to inform you of the official announcement that you have emerged one of the winners of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY ONLINE/INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS, which is part of our promotional draws.
Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 names/edirección de correoes of individuals and companies from Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Canada,Europe, Middle East, and New Zealand as part of our International Promotions Program.
You/Your company, attached to ticket number 634-2-7199,with serial number 10-37 drew the "Lucky Numbers: 01,06,11,17,29,43 & 08" and consequently won in the Third Category of the main National Lotto draw.
You have therefore been awarded a lump sum pay out of GBP£1,000,000.00 in cash, which is the winning payout for Third Category Winners. This is from the total prize money of GBP£3,000,000.00 shared among the three international winners in the Third category.
Your fund is now deposited with the Slogold Offshore Companies, Fideicomisos, Off-Shore Banking Center, SloGold Inc, insured on your behalf. To avoid mix up of numbers and names of any kind, we request that you keep this award strictly from public notice until the entire process of transfering your claims has been completed, and your funds remitted to your account. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program.
We also wish to bring to your notice our end of year (2005) high stakes where you stand a chance of winning up to GBP£1.3 billion, we hope that with a part of your prize you will participate.
For due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice. Remember,you must contact your claims agent within a week of recieving this mail.(All correspondence is to be via the Email Addresses above, as these are protected communication links which the UK National Lottery have provided for the successful transfer of your prize claims. In the event that you need to be contacted via telephone or fax, the appropriate office will contact you immediately).
I will also want you to know that telephone conversation is not allowed because in the past we have experienced cases where Telephone lines are being tapped and this can lead to false,double or counter claim.We hope you understand this plight. After filling all informations required by you, your designated claims agent above will immediately contact you on phone via our Hi-tech communication power line which is save,private and confidential. Also be warned that someone who uses name Bill Frazer is scaming people using contact details of Slogold Inc. You will find an example of his mail on http://www.slogold.net/warning.html. This person do not work for our company or Slogold Inc. Do not reply to his emails and do not send him any money. These are so called Lottery Scam Letters. Be careful. You may read more about different scams on our Fraudscan site.
NOTE: To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your "Lucky Numbers" provided below in every one of your correspondence with your claims agent.
"Lucky Numbers:01,06,11,17,29,43 & 08"
You can please visit the links below for further information and confidence of the legitimacy of this lottery programme.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Congratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.
The Lottery Coordinator,
UK National Lottery
PO Box 200
N.B. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification. Please do not reply to this mail. Contact your claims agent.
(How we strive to protect your privacy online from numerous scams we have going on).
UK National Online Lottery takes the protection of your privacy very seriously
In short
We promise our users that we will:
Guard your personal privacy
Protect any personal data that we gather
Adhere to the principals of permission marketing
Be clear about how we use information
Deal promptly and honestly with any complaints about our practices
Be a champion of consumer data protection
Endeavour to provide you with a highly personalised experience
And that we will not:
Release personal information about you unless the specified below:
(a) to SloGold Inc,which is the financial institution solely responsible for the disbursements of your funds to you. (b) to a third party Agent who works with us to deliver our service to you.
In a little more detail:
The Fair Exchange programme and all of the sites within it are operated by PDV Ltd and Slogold Inc, Monmouth House, 40 Artillery Lane, London E1 7LS,United Kingdom.
PDV Ltd has developed this privacy policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to our users personal privacy. It outlines the types of information that we gather and our practices for how we use it. PDV Ltd is dedicated to continually improving our service and providing you with an experience tailored to your interests and requirements. We gather information via our computer ballot system which registers contact information (i.e. name and edirección de correo) and demographic information (like address or age). We use this information as well as other profile data gathered during your use of our services to build a picture of your interests and preferences. This profile allows us to confirm your entries, filter the advertising that we show you and sometimes develop specific offerings based on your personal preferences.
We are registered under the Data Protection Act (Registration Z720633X) and we adhere to the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive. We are members of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA).
Permission and Unsubscribing
We only show you advertiser messages when you give us permission to do so. When you first register with us you agree to receive e-mails and you may also choose to receive postal direct mail and mobile phone offers.
Under the UK's Data Protection regime, we are required to have effective security measures in place to ensure that no one is able to gain unauthorised access to any personal information that we hold about you. We may need to require proof of identity before we are able to disclose any information covered by the relevant legislation to you. If we change or amend our privacy policy, we will notify you by posting changes on the relevant site.
Handling Your Information
We work with advertisers to deliver targeted advertising to you, but we generally do this without sharing your personal information with them. They let us know the kind of audience they want to reach and provide us with the advertising material for us to deliver. Consequently, your personal information is not and cannot be accessed by advertisers without your permission.
In specific instances, where advertisers wish to collect your personal data (e.g. on prize draw questionnaires), we pass it on to them ONLY after you have given us your permission to do so. We make this option and process very clear to you at the time that you are asked to provide the information.
In some instances we may pass your information to other companies involved in its processing but in these cases such companies are contracted to us and are under strict restrictions on the secure handling of your information. Where such a company is outside of the European Economic Area, we have in place a contractual agreement that commits such a company to a level of data protection probity acceptable within EU requirements. In all instances in which your information is processed by companies contracted to PDV, we remain responsible throughout.
Note that SloGold Inc is contracted to us by the Gaming Control Board of the United Kingdom.
We may also disclose certain statistics on an aggregated and anonymous basis to our partners and other carefully selected companies so that we and they can provide you with offers and services tailored to your interests and requirements.
You can also request a copy of the information about your winnings/prize money that we hold about you by mailing us at our address below and specifying your name,telephone,fax and the e-dirección de correo with which you want us to get back to you. We will provide the information within 5 working days.
Thank you,
Monmouth House
40 Artillery Lane
E1 7LS